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­­­­­­Everything about breast cosmetic surgery

2021-07-03 12:45:58

Dr. Fariba Azadikhah
Reviewed by:
Dr. Fariba Azadikhah

In this essay, we introduce you to the types of breast surgery and the best approaches of incisions in this surgery, and the best implants with the best materials.

It is necessary comprehensive knowledge of breast anatomy to achieve the best result. Surgeons should consider all the aspects of this issue, e.g., The expected shape and size that is significant for the patient. Proper placement of the breast on the chest and the most essential at the end is symmetry. By considering all of these attractiveness and beauty will be achieved.

Types of breast surgery

there are two major types of breast surgery treatment surgery and cosmetic surgery.

 Cosmetic causes


     Breast reduction
In some cases, the breast is oversize and they may cause much trouble for the patient. Problems like Cervical Disc, feeling tired in the shoulders, having a backache, having some trouble with breastfeeding and … So in these cases, people with doing reduction surgery, try to reduce their breasts size.



     Breast reconstruction

After breast cancer surgery, the patients may need this type of surgery. This surgery can be performed shortly after breast cancer surgery or after years. Restoration is done in two different ways: autologous repair, in which part of a person's body tissue is used to replace breast tissue, and repair by artificial implants, or a combination of both.



     Breast augmentation

In this type, the breast size is increased. This is performed with different types of implants or fat injections.



 Treatment causes


     Preventative surgery (mastectomy)

Sometimes the patient may need to Remove non-cancer breast lumps. Some non-cancer breast lumps may need to be removed. The breasts are removed to prevent breast cancer.



     Breast cancer surgery (lumpectomy, mastectomy)
part or all of the breast and possibly the nearby lymph nodes are removed to overcome cancer.



There are three general categories of cosmetic surgery performed on the breasts (also called mammoplasty):
breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast reconstruction.
Surgeon in breast augmentation applies four types of incisions: transaxillary, inframammary, periareolar, and transumbilical.


Types of incisions

 The best materials in this realm are silicone, saline implants and the latest generation of silicone implants are gummy bear implants.
After choosing an implant, you and your doctor will speak about which incision should be used and what risks and benefits will be exposed after surgery.


What is the role of medical services? Which implant and which incision technique you should choose?


Your assumption is true! Ermateb doctors use the best implants for breast augmentation. Use the best way of incision with operative planning. Assuredly you can guess that after expiring this material we are ready to reconstruction, and we consider for you an especial discount. Of course, if you don’t like the size of your boobs or you have issues similar to chronic back or neck pain or chronic shoulder pain, Ermateb surgeons will solve your problem by breast reduction. All of the surgeries that are performed on your breasts will be called mammoplasty.

You should trust Ermateb surgeons if you don’t want to hear from your friends: Your new breasts are the unsuitable size. Because Our surgeons operate with great precision and delicacy by using the best surgical technique similar to inframammary incision. The inframammary approach will give the doctors a perfect visualization of the implant pocket with subpectoral placement.


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The other special incision is the periareolar method. This technique first time was represented by Jenny in 1972 for breast augmentation. Surely you ask what’s the benefit of this way and why it is used spreadly and plastic surgeons enjoy it! The fundamental benefit of this incision is that the consequential scar is mostly well-concealed and invisible.

So you can guess the above information, that surgeon’s experience to choose the most appropriate approach of incisions that leads to a great outcome for you, is very important. We choose doctors by great operative planning that offer the high comfortable performing that will be delivered desired outcome for the patient

But about Men, it is different. For men the only surgery is gynecomastia. In Gynecomastia surgeons will decrease the size of breasts.

Now we check levels by detail. FAQ questions will be answered. Don’t worry.


Before surgery


     Stop smoking, drugs, and drinking alcohol.

    Stop aspirin, blood thinner similar: Apixaban (Eliquis), Dabigatran (Pradaxa), Edoxaban (Savaysa), Heparin (various), Rivaroxaban (Xarelto), Warfarin (Coumadin)

     Stop natural blood thinners similar: Herbs and spices including salicylates for example cayenne pepper, cinnamon, curry powder, dill, ginger, licorice, oregano, paprika, peppermint, thyme, and turmeric.

     Some of diary supplementary should be discontinued for 2-3 weeks before surgery because not only have intrinsic bleeding risks, in addition, to document that they caused other side effects such as hemorrhagic stroke (from fish oil), fatigue, weakness, headache, heart failure and vision disturbance (from vitamin E). You can resume them two weeks after surgery.

    Stop drugs that affect your mental health such as cocaine, nicotine, and ecstasy.

     Woefully if you have bad genes, you are not a good candidate for a boob job.

   The following are gene mutations: BRCA1 or BRCA2; ATM, BARD1, BRIP1, CDH1, CHEK2, EPCAM, FANCC, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, NBN, PALB2, PMS2, PTEN, RAD51C, RAD51D, TP53 and XRCC2

Throughout operation


Basically, in breast, cosmetic surgery three options are in front of patient reduction, augmentation, and reconstruction.

Breast reduction: It performed in two ways, inverted-T techniques, and short scar techniques.
Articles show that the patient satisfaction rate of both techniques is high.

Breast augmentation: Based on your expectation, the surgeon offers the variable implants. They have a wide variety to choose form, (round or shaped), dimensions (width or size), shell surface (smooth or textured), and ropiness.
Silicon and saline implants with different benefits and risks will be used in breast augmentation. After discussing with your doctor, you take an excellent decision.
The incisions in saline implants are smaller and the other side silicone implants will give a softer feel and are more natural.

Breast reconstruction: After mastectomy, you can perform this procedure. Also deformity because of implant displacement and atrophy of tissues because of the excessive weight of implants that exerted on tissues, will need to breast reduction.


Special consideration after surgery


After breast surgery similar to the other Surgery, you should be careful and follow the doctor's instructions otherwise you will experience all the following in addition to intrinsic bleeding: Burning and stinging, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, hypoglycemia, arrhythmia, hypotension, GI discomfort, pruritus, seizures, hepatotoxicity, pneumonitis, dizziness, decreased libido.

The other Side effects that are most common in plastic surgery: hematoma, seroma, blood loss, infection, nerve damage, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, breast tissue damage, scarring, breast size, and symmetric dissatisfaction, complications of anesthesia.
Obviously, these obstacles are originated from disorders. They are observed in smokers, old adults, and high BMI persons.


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In this article, you see that a successful breast cosmetic surgery is under a variety of factors, so choosing a special surgeon is essential. Ermateb surgeons consider whole angles with discussing and suggesting all the options on the table vigorously by hightech equipment.

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