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Fox Eye Surgery | Types, Costs, Side Effects

2021-09-14 14:11:34

Dr. Fariba Azadikhah
Reviewed by:
Dr. Fariba Azadikhah

New beauty trends are inevitably emerging. One of the hottest trends that are growing in popularity thanks to the likes of famous supermodels, such as Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid, is the fox eye, cat eye, or designer eye which involves a Cosmetic Treatment that simultaneously lifts and elongates the upper eyelid, pulling the eye into a more almond shape, creating overall emphasis on the eyes. Another reason for the increasing demand for cat eye surgery is confidence, a sense of beauty, and satisfaction with appearance. With stretched eyes, your face will change a lot and you will have a fresher and happier face than before. While some people achieve this look by using winged eyeliner to give the illusion of cat eyes, others undergo a cosmetic procedure to change the natural shape of their eyes.


foxy eye surgery

Types of Foxy Eye Lifting

The eyelid structure and problems of each person are different and depending on the choice of the doctor, a suitable method for cat eyes is used for each person.

1. Canthoplasty: Canthoplasty, also popularly known as cat-eye surgery, is generally performed to change the shape of the eye and make it more elongated. The main purpose of this operation is to enlarge the eyes. In canthoplasty, the surgery is usually done on the lower eyelid, through which the inner corners of the eye are reconstructed. Canthoplasty is performed by making an incision and connection in the annular muscle of the eye and the external canthal tendon.

The Canthoplasty method has various types, which we will introduce in the following.

  • Lateral canthoplasty

This surgery is used to remove drooping upper eyelids and pull the outer corner of the eye. Of course, lateral canthoplasty is sometimes used to remove drooping lower eyelids. Koreans usually use this surgery to remove the drooping of their upper eyelid and enlarge their eyes. In addition to removing the drooping of the outer corners of the eyes, the eyes are pulled upwards and the eyes become so-called cat-shaped.

  • Epicanthoplasty

To have more elongated eyes, this method, in which the inner corners of the eyes are stretched, is usually combined with external canthoplasty. Of course, this surgery alone is sufficient if you only want to stretch the inner corner of the eye.

  • Canthopexy

In canthopexy, unlike canthoplasty, no incisions are made in the annular muscle of the eyes, and only the external cantile muscle and tendon are brought closer to each other by sutures. This method is also used to remove drooping lower eyelids. Many doctors recommend canthopexy to people who have never had cat-eye surgery.

  • Ectropion or removal of severe drooping of the lower eyelid

Drooping eyelids and sagging skin are symptoms of aging, these symptoms appear earlier than around the eyes, due to thinner skin. In people whose lower eyelid drooping is not yet severe, cat eye surgery and eye lift are used, but in whose drooping eyelid is turned outwards, the ectropion method is the most suitable option.

In addition to canthoplasty, you can also remove drooping eyelids and puffiness under the eyes. In fact, cat-eye surgery is part of blepharoplasty or eye lift surgery. So, you can not only make your eyes more elongated but also eliminate wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes. However, to get rid of eye puffiness eye bag surgery is also recommended.

The results are almost permanent and the condition is maintained for a long time. However, in none of the lift manners, the aging process can be stopped.


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different eye shapes

Before canthoplasty (Preoperative recommendations):

      • Talk to your doctor if you are taking certain medications.
      • Stop smoking and taking food and blood thinners at least two weeks before the operation.
      • After canthoplasty (postoperative care): Get enough rest.
      • Do not take painkillers or other medications without a doctor's prescription.
      • Take the medication prescribed by your doctor on time.
      • When sleeping, raise your head higher than usual to avoid straining your eyes.
      • Do not look at the screen of your phone, laptop, or computer or study for a few days.
      • Avoid direct sunlight.
      • Be sure to wear sunglasses if you leave the house.
      • Do not wear medical or cosmetic lenses in the eyes for a few weeks after surgery.
      • Do not go to the bathroom for 8 hours after the operation.
      • Avoid going to the pool or showering with high-pressure water until you are fully recovered.

2. PDO threading: This procedure is non-surgical and offers a minimal recovery period. The doctor will numb desired treatment areas with a local anesthetic and insert tiny special and barbed threads underneath the skin. These threads then lift areas of concern. Although it is commonly used to remove smile lines, this procedure is also effective for achieving foxy eyes. After 1 month, you can see the absorption of yarns in the corners of your eyes. The skin converts these thin filaments into collagen fibers. You can see the results of using absorbent threads for almost two years. After this period of treatment needs to be renewed.

fox eye surgery

3. Temple lift: it is a subset of eye lifting that is performed with and without endoscopic methods. Today, the endoscopic lift method employs new endothelin instruments. In the temple eye lift technic, only the corners of the eye can be slightly stretched and the position of the eyes can be changed (cat or fox eyes). It cannot be used to fix the problems that are done with eyelift.

4. Botox injection: Botox injections, if done by a doctor and the right dose of the drug is used, can cause eyebrows to rise and eyes to stretch. Today, Botox injections for cat eyes have many applicants; Because it is a non-surgical method and does not require a recovery period. The definitive results of Botox injections can be seen after two weeks. The shelf life of Botox injections is 3 to 6 months, after that, you can repeat this cosmetic procedure.

5. Gel injection: Another method used in creating cat eyes is gel injection. In this technique with gel, different gels can be used for injection; But the most common of these gels are hyaluronic acid gels. Hyaluronic acid gels are temporary and if you are dissatisfied with the injection, you can eliminate the effects obtained by enzyme injection. In this technique, the gel is injected into the temple through a needle with a microcannula of 1 to 2 ml. If the area is too deep, a larger volume of gel should be used for injection. The problem with the canola technique is the unevenness of the skin. It is true that the canola technique requires little gel; However, because this method is done in surface layers of the skin, it may cause skin roughness. It can last from 6 months to 1 year.

After Non-surgical lift procedures (postoperative care): they do not require postoperative care. Only by refraining from rubbing the eye area, consuming more water, and not lowering the head in the early days then you can do your daily activities after eyelift.

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Candidates for Foxy Eyes procedures

The first and most important thing for cat eye surgery volunteers is to have good health. Since this procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, you should not be prohibited from doing so. Also, if you have a specific disease, be sure to discuss it with your doctor. If you are only planning to have a canthoplasty, your eyelids should not be drooping, puffy, or wrinkled. Of course, this does not mean that people with these problems cannot do this. This means that if you have such a problem, you should also use eye and eyebrow lifts (blepharoplasty) to fix them.

In general, anyone can do it. But it is more recommended for people whose upper eyelid is semicircular downwards or who have round eyes.

We also recommend you attend a consultation with your physician before any procedure for fox eye surgery. In these sessions, the doctor will make your expectations more realistic by showing you photos or videos of cat-eye surgery and will show you the results of the operation. he will give you all the necessary explanations about the procedure, restrictions, and pre-and post-care. The most appropriate method of surgery is also selected and the doctor will know exactly what you want during the surgery.

Side effects of fox eyes procedures

The recovery period of the surgical methods is between 2 to 4 weeks and during this period you may feel a little pain in your eyes. In some cases, there will be swelling or bruising around the eyes. To reduce swelling, you need to rest and not put pressure on your eyes. These side effects will go away in a week. So be sure to tell your doctor if you experience side effects for a long time. In some cases, there may be problems with your vision. This complication usually resolves within a few days after surgery.

Another thing that may worry you about cat eye surgery is scarring or stitches. You should note that the incision made in this operation is very delicate and is usually done below the eyelid line or inside the eye. Therefore, there are no scars or stitches left on your skin, and after complete healing, no one can identify the location of your surgery. Of course, you should note that if your wounds remain for a long time and do not disappear, be sure to inform your doctor. Note that cat-eye surgery is a very sensitive and professional procedure. Therefore, first of all, you should make sure of the credibility of the clinic and the specialty of the treating physician. Severe complications of this operation are very rare. But in cases where the person has performed the surgery in an unreliable center, they are more common.

Complications and effects after non-surgical methods include puffiness and swelling of the face and bruising. These side effects are temporary and disappear after few hours to few days.

Costs of foxy eyes procedures

usually, beautifying services are not covered by medical insurance. The price of eye plastic methods varies depending on the doctor's experience, the type of method, gel brand, volume amount required, and patient's needs.


Almond eye surgery (also commonly referred to as hunter's eye surgery when discussing the procedure for men) is used to correct sagging of the lower eyelid contour, which is a common feature in many people and can lead to fatigue, sadness, and withdrawal Appear.

The ‘Fox Eye surgery’ Is growing up Among Celebrities

Judging by the latest photos that show off celebrity eyes more perfectly, some celebrities who may have had the procedure done include Bella Hadid, Ariana Grande, Kendall Jenner, and Megan Fox.


Schedule Your Appointment

Now that you've learned more about the various types of fox or cat eyes procedures and the delicate and intricate eye shapes requires attention to detail for cosmetic and functional plastic surgery. Our team at Ermateb is one of the best medical tourism groups which provides medical and cosmetic services in all fields and it is in associating with experienced surgeons that will rejuvenate you and bring back your youthful, fresh appearance to the upper face. Ermateb surgeons by using the best materials in high technological hospitals will generate the most natural beauty for you. Therefore, if you think you cannot have your desired appearance because of the high costs of services or you are not sure about the quality of these treatment procedures you can trust our professional group. Before making a decision contact ERMATEB'S experts or even take a look at ERMATEB'S website. You'll achieve complete information in all fields. If there were something left ask ERMATEB'S experts who try to help you.


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